Global Executive Team

Steve Douglass, President

Steve Douglass, President

Steve Douglass is President of both Campus Crusade for Christ International, and Cru, as the ministry is known in the United States, leading the ministry with a passion built over nearly 4 decades of service.

Dela Adadevoh

Dela Adadevoh

Vice President of Global Leadership, Area Team Leaders / LeaderImpact

Andrea Buczynski

Andrea Buczynski

Vice President of Global Leadership Development

Roger Osbaldiston

Roger Osbaldiston

Vice President of Student-Led Movements

Erik Butz

Erik Butz

Vice President of Global Operations

Dan Willmann

Dan Willmann

Vice President of Global Fund Development

Bekele Shanko

Bekele Shanko

Vice President of Global Church Movements

Ken Cochrum

Ken Cochrum

Vice President of Digital Strategies

Josh Newell

Josh Newell

Executive Director,  Jesus Film Project

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